AKAID , Belief in perquisites of iman
Hadith – Terminology of hadith
Tefsir – Methodology of Qur’an Commenting
AKAID, Qyjama (End time), concept of belief and of deep sinner
Hadith – Studies in the books of Hadith
English language Pre-Intermediate
English language- Intermediate
Introduction to Common and Islamic Philosophy
Sire – Biography of Mohamed a.s. and beginning of proclamation
Tefsir – Analytical study about the texts of tefsir
AKAID – Sects and Islamic Schools
Arabic Language III- Syntax and conversation
Usulul Fikh – Sources of Islamic Law
Sire – Period of proclamation in Medina and new challenges
Tefsir – Thematic commenting of Quran
AKAID – Comparative Study of Religions